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For risk class I manufacturer!

  Warning: No additional  transition for risk class I products.  Products who are risk class I and stay of risk class I must fully comply to the MDR by May 2020. Please consider the MDCG guidance Guidance Notes for Manufacturers of Class I Medical Devices cover.pdf – December 2019. I...
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New documents published by the Commission!

– The European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) – the nomenclature of use in EUDAMED! The European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) will be the nomenclature of use by manufacturers when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database.     – The CND Nomenc...
EC Flags

European Commission offers Guidance on UDIs!

Last Wednesday, the 4th of December 2019, the European Commission released new documents related to the technical specifications for unique device identifiers (UDIs). GS1 Basic UDI-DI HIBCC Basic UDI-DI ICCBBA UDI HRI & AIDC Formats HIBCC UDI HRI & AIDC Formats ICCBBA Basic UDI-DI IFA Basi...